The State Customs Service of Turkmenistan is a state management body that implements the state policy in the field of regulation of the activities of the customs system of Turkmenistan, ensuring compliance with Turkmenistan's international obligations on customs issues, as well as carrying out the fight against smuggling and other crimes, administrative offenses in the sphere of its activities. Formed on November 4, 1991, the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan, at present, taking into account national practice and proceeding from generally established principles and basic provisions of international law, improves the customs legislation, works on updating the structures of customs bodies, strengthening their material and technical base and using modern satellite communication system carries out activities to implement electronic customs business in the 'online' format. The State Customs Service of Turkmenistan includes its central office, the Training Center under the State Customs Service, the Directorate of Economic Management under the State Customs Service, customs in velayats and cities with the rights of the velayat, their customs posts on the territory of Turkmenistan and checkpoints on the State Border of Turkmenistan. In total, there are currently 6 customs administrations and 51 customs posts. Depending on the features of the function performed at the location of customs posts, customs control and customs clearance of goods passing through the customs border of Turkmenistan is carried out by the Ashgabat city and Akhal, Balkan, Lebap, Dashoguz and Mary velayat departments.
Turkmenistan, is a member of the World Customs Organization