On April 8, 2024, young customs officers who completed a two-month initial training course were awarded certificates. The solemn event took place in the conference hall of the customs house of the city of Arkadag.
Young customs officers underwent training, which was conducted by teachers of the Training Center at the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan from February 5 to April 5 of this year. During the classes, newcomers studied customs legislation, all the rules and regulations governing customs, including the organization of customs control, customs payments, customs statistics, the fight against customs offenses, as well as information technology and customs inspection equipment.
The recruited employees swore an oath of allegiance to the state, to honestly and faithfully serve the Motherland, esteemed President and the Turkmen people, and also assured of their readiness to highly honor the honor and dignity of an employee of the customs authorities of Turkmenistan.