On April 26, 2024, the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan hosted the regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Coordination of the Project Single Window for Export-Import Operations, which was attended by representatives of the State Customs Service, a number of ministries and industry departments, public associations of the country, as well as participants of foreign trade activities of Turkmenistan and customs brokers.
On the agenda, the results of the commission were made for three months of 2024, as well as to familiarize the project participants with the capabilities of the customs service information system, to present and use preliminary information about goods moving across the border.
As noted, the customs clearance of goods in export, import and transit mode can be carried out through the state web portal Single Window for Export-Import Operations. This contributes to the accelerated conduct of customs control, minimizing paper documents, improving the services provided, saving the time of customs clearance and expanding capabilities.