
Turkmenistan occupies one of the first places in the world in the extraction of iodine, which creates the appropriate prerequisites for the further development of the chemical industry with an export orientation. The western region of the country has large reserves of minerals - oil and gas, iodine and bromine. Within the framework of the "Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country for 2018-2024", it is envisaged to build new capacities on the basis of two operating chemical plants "Khazar" and "Balkanabat" of the State Concern "Turkmenhimiya". Chemical factory "Khazar" is one of the oldest enterprises of the chemical industry in Turkmenistan, which produces iodine, a product in great demand on the world market.

In Turkmenistan, according to the Program, a large role is assigned to the development of the chemical industry of the national economy, including the development of deposits of iodine and bromine in the Balkan velayat.

At present, the Balkanabat Iodine Plant specializes mainly in the production of technical high-frequency iodine, which is used in the production of photographic materials, dyes, electronics, synthetic rubber, various chemicals, liquid crystal displays, etc. Iodine is produced at the Khazar chemical plant, the Balkanabat and Bereket iodine plant of the State Concern Turkmenhimiya using the Cheleken, Boyadag, Uzboy, Seyikerderin and Kuylyar deposits of iodine-bromine waters.

High-quality iodine produced by the iodine plant "Balkanabat" and "Bereket" of the State Concern "Turkmenhimiya", as well as Individual Enterprise "Barat Tokay" is in high demand among foreign buyers and has already been shipped to the UAE, USA, Azerbaijan, Latvia.

The industrial development of these raw materials makes it possible to organize the production of various types of products that are in demand on the world market.