The State Customs Service of Turkmenistan notes an increase in exported goods from Turkmenistan, a large share of which is agricultural products.
There is a significant increase mainly in the export of tomatoes. Since the beginning of 2022, over 78 thousand tons have been produced, which is about 50 percent more than in the same period last year. Also during this period, a wide range of vegetables, fruits, melons, beans and dried fruits and vegetables were exported to neighboring countries.
The commodity structure of non-food exports is dominated by footwear. Since the beginning of this year, footwear exports have tripled compared to last year.
In 2022, the largest growth in exports in quantitative terms occurred in the following commodity groups: detergents, furniture, raw hides and leather.
The increase in the volume of goods transported across the customs border determines the need for simplification and harmonization of customs procedures, the creation of favorable conditions for the uninterrupted movement of cargo flows. To this end, the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan is systematically working on the simplification and standardization of customs procedures, through the creation of a mechanism of "Single Window for Export-Import Operations". This system involves the transition of office work in the preparation of export, import and transit procedures from paper to electronic media. It will be enough to log in to the system and receive services through the portal in electronic form. Thus, the process of passing through customs procedures will be accelerated, and time costs will be reduced.