There are operating 4 modern textile factories in Lebap region. They realized 197 million 267 thousand 656 manat cotton yarn in seven months of this year. 101 million 330 thousand 297 manat of this part were exported. Customs officials of region ensures unhindered export of products.
Textile industry makes a great contribution to development of economy of region. Production of textile products has increased significantly in recent years. Increase in the amount of cotton yarn placed in the domestic market and sent for export clearly shows that raw material supply of enterprises has improved. This also has a strong impact on the strengthening of our relations with foreign partners. Production indicators of products are higher than last year. Throughout 2021, more than 12 thousand 491 tons of cotton yarn were produced in textile factories of region. But amount of cotton yarn produced in the seven months of this year is more than last year. So, more than 13 thousand 124 tons of cotton yarn were produced in seven months. In seven months of this year, amount of exported cotton yarn exceeded 6183 tons.
Enterprises which has production operating on the basis of modern innovative technologies are improves development of industrial sector. Yarn products produced in the factories at the expense of local raw materials are distinguished by their high quality that meets world standards. As soon as factories were put into operation, they started operating at their planned capacity. This helps to strengthen our cooperation with countries such as Russia, Poland, Turkey, and Armenia. With efforts of Honorable President, list of favorable conditions that facilitate acceleration of goods circulation across customs border is also expanding.