
Yesterday, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held an extended meeting of the State Security Council, at which a number of organizational and personnel issues as well as the outcome of work carried out by the law enforcement bodies for three months of the current year, priority goals for ensuring security and peace in our independence country, further improvement of activity of military and law enforcement bodies and others were discussed.

Opening the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov informed that the topic of the agenda concerns approval of the staff of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan and appointment of heads of security forces.

Passing to consideration of personnel issues, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov informed of his decision to appoint B.Gundogdyev as ministry of defence noting at that his professional qualities and experienced gained for many years and got interested in the future plan of work of the newly appointed minister.

Having expressed the President of Turkmenistan his sincere gratitude for the high trust, B.Gundogdyev assured that he will make his all-out efforts and use all his knowledge for fulfilment of topical tasks set before the ministry of defence and will selflessly stand on guard of peaceful and creative life of people.

Further, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that in accordance with the Constitution of the country, Attorney General, Chairman of the Supreme Court, minister of interior affairs and minister of justice are appointed with approval of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.

The head of the state, having appointed B.Atdayev Attorney General by agreement with the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, got interested in how he plans to organize the work in the institution he has been appointed to run.

In his turn, B.Atdayev, having expressed his deep acknowledgment to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country for the high trust, assured that he will make use of all his knowledge and skill for further progress of our fatherland, maintenance of law and order in the country, ensuring creative work and happy life of people.

Further, addressing the acting minister of interior affairs O.Khojaniyazov, the President of the country underlined that during his leadership in the MIA he has made a number of shortcomings, in particular, improper control over public order, traffic safety as well as activity of local representatives of the police. As a result, the public order among population weakened and drivers violate traffic regulations.

In this connection, it was stated that O.Khojaniyazov during his work at this post, was given a severe reprimand for his shortcomings in his work and got warnings for several times. Taking into account the given facts, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov released O.Khojaniyazov from the post of acting minister of interior affairs.

Further in the extended meeting the report of the Attorney General on the results of inspection of activity of the Road Transport Police of the Ministry of Interior Affairs to ensure traffic safety.

With a view of familiarization with observance of the established regulations, on April 2, 2022 on the streets G.Kuliyev and Andalib and Avenue Gurbansoltan eje of the capital relevant inspections were carried out and the facts of gross violation of speed limits in the sections where a speed of 60 kilometres an hour is allowed, were revealed.

So, it was established that Kh.Mammetgulyev, owner of the car with the state number BA 10 93 AG and B.Orazmuhammedov, owner of the car with state number BO 82 41 AG drove at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour, K.Nuryagdyev, owner of the car with state number BE 60 46 AH drove his car at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour.

Besides it, D.Durdylyev, who drove the car with state number BI 60 17 AH at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour, A.Akmammedov, who drove the car with state number BL 83 27 AG at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour, A.Atabadyev, who drove the car with state number DF 99 26 AH at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour, K.Tushshiyev, who drove the car with state number DF 87 51 AH at a speed of 110 kilometres an hour and B.Garagulov, who drove the car with state number AN 46 31 AG at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour grossly violated the speed limits of traffic.

During the inspection it was established that S.Chalyev by the car with state number BT 21 32 AG and I.Annaorazov by the car with state number BW 23 80 AG В drove at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour. A.Gurbangeldiyev, who drove the car with state number BT 44 39 AG instead of the allowed limit of 60 kilometres an hour, speeded up their cars as much as 180 kilometres an hour by violating the speed limit regulations.

Along with it, at the highway, where a speed of 60 kilometres an hour is allowed, G.Muhammetberdiyev by the car with state number BH 53 65 AG drove at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour, A.Dovranov by the car with state number 97 39 AGG, drove at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour, M.Cherkezov by the car with state number BR 68 23 AG drove at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour, M.Rejepov by the bus with state number 48 53 AGD drove at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour and A.Abdyev by the car with state number AL 24 58 AG drove at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour.

The gross violation of road traffic regulations was also made by D.Amanov by the car with state number BD 76 38 AG at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour, N.Bayramov by the car with state number 49 31 AGE at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour, R.Orazmuhammedov by the car with state number BS 85 62 AH at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour, A.Masharipov by the car with state number BE 51 67 AG at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour, Sh.Khandurdyev by the car with state number 70 96 AGE at a speed of 140 kilometres an hour, I.Danatarov by the car with state number AR 14 72 AG at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour, Sh.Kulyev by the car with state number BW 30 46 AG at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour and M.Atayev by the car with state number BS 52 41 AG at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour.

For speeding D.Atapoladov, who drove at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour by his car with state number BA 51 45 AG, G.Durdyev at a speed of 160 kilometres an hour by his car with state number DE 80 16 AG, M.Charyev at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour by his car with state number BP 32 19 AG, G.Orazlyev at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour by his car with state number AR 32 66 AG, Kh.Annamyradov at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour by his car with state number BE 35 87 AG, K.Orazov at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour by his car with state number 84 62 AGH, M.Khajygurbanov at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour by his car with state number BT 74 58 AG, M.Yazmyradov at a speed of 130 kilometers an hour by his car with state number AR 15 24 AG, were also detained.

All this demonstrates improper organization of work as well as absence of efficient measures by the Road Transport Police Service of the Ministry of Interior Affairs for explanation of traffic regulations and adjustment of regular control over observance of safety.

At present lawbreakers are prosecuted.

Further, the head of the state by agreement of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan appointed M.Khydyrov minister of interior affairs, releasing him form the post of the head of the Police Department of Lebap region. The President of the country was interested in the plans of work of the new head of MIA at his responsible post.

Within the framework of the meeting, A.Berdiyev, who bending his knees, kisses the edge of the sacred State Flag of Turkmenistan as a token of loyalty to his military oath, perpetual devotion to his fatherland and readiness to serve selflessly for the cause of peaceful and happy life of people, was appointed head of the Police Department of Lebap region by the relevant Resolution.

Further, addressing chairman of the Supreme Court G.Ussanepesov, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the judicial system of the country is one of the important branches of the government. In this connection, it was informed that he will continue to fulfil his duties.

Having appointed G.Annayev minister of national security, the head of the state was interested in how he will carry out his work in future.

Further, having approved appointment of Ya.Nuryev as head of the State Border Service, the President of the country was also interested in his plans of work in the service under his supervision.

Then by agreement with the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country appointed M.Taganov minister of justice and was interested in his plans of work in the institution under his supervision.

Further, in the extended meeting of the State Security Council, the head of Turkmenistan approved appointment of M.Khudaykuliyev as head of the State Customs Service and was interested in how he will organize his work as newly appointed head of the service.

Having appointed N.Atagarryev head of the State Migration Service, the President of the country was also interested in his plans of work for the upcoming period.

Further, addressing the participants of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked that independent permanently neutral Turkmen state pursues the policy aimed at the strengthening of stability and unity of society, development of friendly and mutually beneficial relations with countries and peoples of the world. In accordance with the provisions of the Military Doctrine adopted on these goals, which fully bears a defensive character, it regularly improves the structure of military and law enforcement bodies by strengthening the defensive capacities of the country.

Having stated that today heads of security forces have been appointed, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished them selfless service to their fatherland and people, fair work at their entrusted posts.

Further in the extended meeting of the State Security Council reports of the outcome of activity of military and law enforcement bodies for January-March months of the current year were heard.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov first gave the floor to minister of defence B.Gundogdyev who reported on the work carried out at the first quarter of 2002, important areas of which include the strengthening of defensive capacities of the country, improvement of professional qualities and combat capacities of servicemen, improvement of their professional, social, and living conditions.

Attorney General B.Atdayev reported on the outcome of work of subordinate institutions for the period from the beginning of the year and concrete measures taken with a view of improvement of qualification and professionalism of employees of the public prosecutor’s office, who are on guard of the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals and carry out a strict control over accurate and full observance of the national legislation.

Then the Minister of Internal Affairs M.Khydyrov reported on the work of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for three months of the current year, in particular, on the practical steps implemented to maintain public order in the country and prevent offenses, prevent traffic accidents on highways of the capital and regions and ensure fire safety.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court, G. Ussanepesov, reported on the results of activities for January-March of this year to improve the national judicial system, conducted in strict accordance with the applicable norms of international law, to improve the professional level of employees, as well as on the strict supervision of the activities of subordinate structures and their decisions.

Then the MNS Minister G.Annaev reported on the results of the work carried out during the reporting period, as well as the consistent and purposeful measures taken to protect the national interests of the state, maintain stability and a favorable social climate, which is an essential condition for the successful implementation of all planned programs of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan.

The head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuryev reported on the measures organized since the beginning of this year to strengthen the protection of the sacred borders of the Motherland and the improvement of border outposts, where all the necessary conditions are created for effective service, proper life and leisure of soldiers.

Further, Adalat Minister M.Taganov reported on the work done in the first quarter of the current year on the drafts of new legislative acts, in the development of which the world’s best legislative experience is actively used, as well as on the provision of professional legal assistance to the population, particularly through legal consultations within the framework of regularly organized public receptions of citizens.

Reporting on the results of activities for the first three months of this year, the Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaikulyev reported that in the light of the requirements imposed on the headed department, much attention is paid to the modernization of the material and technical base of customs terminals, the introduction of modern advanced technologies and the training of highly qualified personnel carrying out thorough inspection of goods passing through the border.

The Chairman of the State Migration Service N.Atagaraev also reported on the work carried out since the beginning of the current year, highlighting the concrete steps taken to ensure the effective operation of the structure entrusted to him in the context of the implementation of the key direction of state policy – the expansion of international cooperation.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch.Amanov reported on the practical steps implemented in three months of 2022 to improve the work of accountable structures, as well as on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the country on the dismissal of conscripted servicemen from the Armed Forces, other troops and military bodies of Turkmenistan, and the next conscription of citizens for military service in April-June of the current year in accordance with the Constitution of the country and the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and the corresponding Order.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, having said about the tremendous work carried out by Ch.Amanov, together with law enforcement agencies to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, strengthen the security and defense power of the state, maintain law and order in the country, noted his services to the Motherland and the people.

Then the decision of the head of state was announced to abolish the post of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers for Security, Military and Legal Affairs. Ch.Amanov was dismissed from the post of Secretary of the State Security Council in connection with the transition to another job.

Ch.Amanov expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the head of Turkmenistan for the trust and honor shown over all these years to serve the Motherland, selflessly working in responsible positions in various structures.

Further, addressing the meeting participants, the President of the country announced his decision to appoint Defense Minister B.Gundogdyev as Secretary of the State Security Council, taking into account his conscientious service over a number of years and accumulated experience.

During the meeting, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces signed a decree approving the new composition of the State Security Council and a resolution approving the composition of the State Cybersecurity Commission.

Defining the range of main activities and priority tasks facing the military and law enforcement agencies, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov first of all addressed the Minister of Defense, Secretary of the State Security Council B.Gundogdyev and noted that in accordance with the Military Doctrine, which is purely defensive in nature, it is necessary to continue to work aimed at further modernization of the country’s Armed Forces, strengthening discipline in all military formations.

At the same time, an order was given to ensure the maintenance of all military equipment of the Armed Forces in a modern, working and active condition.

The Minister’s attention was also focused on the need to pay special attention to the construction of modern military camps and military units, carrying out repair work in order to improve the social and service conditions of servicemen. Among the most important tasks, it was mentioned that classes, tactical training, field and naval exercises, as well as other events planned in the troops for the 2022 academic year were held at a high level.

Prosecutor General B.Atdaev was assigned to continue prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of laws and legal acts in all departments, institutions and organizations. Among the main functions of the department, the head of Turkmenistan identified the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the country, as well as participants in industrial, economic and commercial activities.

The head of Turkmenistan directed the Minister of Internal Affairs M. Khydyrov to carry out work at a high level to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, maintain law and order, protect public order and security. Special emphasis was placed on the importance of ensuring road safety and fire safety. For the effectiveness of work in these areas, it is necessary to introduce advanced world experience and exercise strict control over compliance with the current rules, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces continued.

Addressing the Chairman of the Supreme Court G.Ussanepesov, the head of Turkmenistan ordered to continue high-level activities aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, state and public interests in accordance with national legislation. The emphasis was placed on the importance of activating the improvement of the laws of Turkmenistan. It was also instructed to consider the applications received from citizens with special attention, and to ensure their timely and legal solution.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces commissioned the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs G. Annaev to strictly fulfill the tasks of protecting the sovereignty of our state, the constitutional system and the territorial integrity of the country, as well as strengthening economic, scientific, technical and defense potential.

Further, addressing the head of the State Border Service, Ya.Nuryev, the President of Turkmenistan noted that the main task of the border service is to ensure reliable protection of the State Border.

Adalat Minister M.Taganov was instructed to take part in the development of draft normative legal acts prepared by Milli Gengesh and the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, to carry out effective work on providing relevant proposals and legal opinions on them. The procedure of state registration and systematization of regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan should be improved through a digital system, the country’s President continued.

The attention of the Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaikulyev was focused on the need for the customs authorities to carry out proper work to promote the development of foreign trade and the national economy. In order to develop the country’s transport and logistics and transit corridors, as well as accelerate trade turnover across the customs border, conditions should be created for the rapid transportation of transit goods and vehicles.

At the same time, an instruction was given to effectively use the specialized equipment, technical means and software available to the customs authorities. It is necessary to carry out proper customs control in the future, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan said.

Addressing the Chairman of the State Migration Service N.Atagaraev, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that it is necessary to ensure a high level of successful implementation of migration policy, strict compliance with Turkmenistan’s international obligations on migration issues. In accordance with the provisions of the adopted National Action Plan for the Elimination of Statelessness, the head of state ordered to continue work on the admission to citizenship of Turkmenistan of stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of our country.

Then the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country instructed B.Gundogdyev, as Secretary of the State Security Council, to monitor the implementation of the tasks set by the military and law enforcement agencies.

In this context, it was assigned, together with the members of the State Security Council, to continue to carry out appropriate work on the introduction of world best practices, modern technologies and digital systems into these structures, increasing the country’s defense power, ensuring national security, public order, and legality.

At the meeting of the State Security Council, other issues were also considered, and appropriate decisions were taken.

Concluding the extended meeting of the State Security Council, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished everyone sound health, family well-being, good luck, great success in their responsible service intended to ensure a peaceful and happy life of the people, the further prosperity of the sovereign Motherland.