
Yesterday, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, having discussed drafts of a number of documents along with a number of other relevant issues.

Opening the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan announced the good news - the publication of a new book “Ömrümiň manysy”, which the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov completed during his vacation.

Warmly congratulating the author and the people of the country on this wonderful event, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the new philosophical and literary work combined the nation's leader's memories of significant stages of his life, valuable thoughts and reflections. A special place is given to the history of the native country, the primordially national spiritual and moral values and noble traditions created by wise ancestors, passed down by the Turkmen people from generation to generation for millennia, as well as modern achievements of the independent Motherland.

Turning to the agenda of the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan gave the floor to the chairwoman of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh G. Mammedova, who informed about the activities to improve national legislation.

The Mejlis, together with experts and representatives of sectoral ministries and departments, continues to work on drafting bills on introducing amendments and additions to the existing Laws “On Notaries and Notarial Work”, “On Local Self-Government”, “On Dog Breeding and Cynology”, as well as on strengthening the rule of law and law and order, increasing social security.

Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh K. Babayev informed about the comprehensive work carried out to improve the country's legal framework.

As noted, proposals have been prepared to introduce amendments and modifications to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Turkmenistan and some other legal documents.

Also, together with the Ministry of Adalat, a draft Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan “On the reorganization of the Central Archive for the Registration of Civil Status Acts under the Ministry of Adalat of Turkmenistan” was prepared.

In order to develop proposals for strengthening the legal framework of the reforms carried out in the country, improving legislation in the field of priority state tasks, an expert legal group was created in the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Muhammedov reported on the ongoing measures to improve the system of combating the legalization of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism. In this regard, information was provided on the development of a draft Regulation on the Financial Monitoring Service, established under the Ministry of Finance and Economy in October 2018 in accordance with a special Decree of the President of Turkmenistan.

By signing this Resolution, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent a document via the digital system to the Deputy Prime Minister and addressed a number of specific instructions to control the precise execution of the powers assigned to it by the Service.

Further, Deputy Prime Minister reported on the practical steps being taken to intensify cooperation with international financial organizations and banks, attract foreign investment and loans on favorable terms for sectors of the national economy. In this regard, a proposal received from the Islamic Development Bank on the participation of our country in increasing the total capital of the IDB was submitted for consideration by the head of Turkmenistan.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan, which is implementing a foreign policy strategy aimed at developing broad international cooperation, is always open to mutually beneficial relations with stakeholders, including authoritative financial institutions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrakhmanov reported on the steps taken to increase the production of hydrocarbon resources in the coming years.

Information was provided on the ongoing measures to provide financial support to the State Concerns “Türkmengas”, “Türkmenoil” and the State Corporation “Türkmengeologiýa” to finance the production of additional volumes of oil and natural gas in the next two years.

A separate topic of the report was the work currently being carried out by the State Concerns “Türkmengas” and “Türkmenoil” in oil and gas fields.

The Vice Premier also reported on the steps being taken to conclude a contract for the purchase of appropriate equipment for carrying out repair work at a number of gas fields.

In the coming years, the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation plans to drill exploratory wells at some sites, associated with an increase in natural gas and oil production. Report was also given on the results of bids held for the purchase of the necessary equipment and materials at the expense of loans allocated for the performance of these works, and the ongoing measures to conclude the relevant contract.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the ongoing work to strengthen the country's food supply.

It was reported that rice cultivation is being carried out in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats. In this context, a draft Resolution “On the production of rice in Turkmenistan in 2022” has been prepared.

This year, in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, it is planned to sow rice on a total of 18,300 hectares and ensure the production of 82,400 tons of crops.

A draft of the relevant Resolution was submitted for consideration by the head of state.

Having signed the relevant document and sent it to the Vice-premier via the digital system, the President of Turkmenistan gave instructions on the thorough cultivation of land for rice, using appropriate technologies and an innovative approach.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the measures taken to organize the work of the road construction industry in accordance with today's requirements.

The State Agency for Road Construction Management, established in February this year, includes 18 enterprises specializing in road construction work.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of the tasks facing the State Agency for Highway Construction Management, which was created.

Addressing the Deputy Prime Minister, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed to the weakening of control over the work of the Ashgabat city administration. As noted, public transport in the capital does not work well. In many places, namely at some objects and in residential buildings, repair work is required. There are dead trees in the squares and along the streets.

In this regard, the head of state instructed the vice-premier to deal with the causes of these shortcomings within a week and report on the effective solution of this issue.

During the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the ongoing work on the modernization of the Baherden Garment Factory of the Ministry of Textile Industry.

The Deputy Prime Minister reported that for this purpose, the Baherden Garment Factory is planned to be transformed into an open joint-stock company with the participation of the Ministry of Textile Industry (40 percent) and the private enterprise Gerçek ýigit, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country (60 percent).

A corresponding proposal for this purpose was submitted for consideration by the head of state.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova submitted a draft Resolution on approval of the procedure and conditions for granting the national legal status to the country's museums for consideration by the head of state.

Having given specific instructions on this matter, the President of Turkmenistan signed the submitted document and sent it to the Deputy Prime Minister via the digital system.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Toyliyev, who then spoke, reported on the planned holding of international Olympiads in the country's universities using the digital system.

In order to implement the tasks outlined in the Concept for the Development of the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan, to identify and develop the individual creative abilities of young Turkmen citizens, as well as to further intensify international cooperation, on May 17th this year it is planned to hold the 1st International Internet Olympiad in English, organized by the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D. Azadi, and on May 20th - an open international Internet Olympiad on the subject "Strength of Materials", organized by the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Having approved the submitted proposals, the head of state instructed the vice-premier to ensure the holding of the upcoming international Internet Olympiads at a high level.

In connection with the approaching summer season, the President of the country instructed Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Toyliyev to study the possibilities for organizing recreation in the Avaza National Tourist Zone and report on the work done at the next government meeting.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the activities of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO.

As you know, this National Commission was established in 1997 in order to interact with this UN specialized agency on education, science and culture on a systematic basis. In 2020, the Regulations on it were adopted in a new edition and its composition was updated.

On the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan, on April 23rd, a regular meeting of the National Commission was held, dedicated to topical issues of its work and some aspects of cooperation with UNESCO. In the context of improving the activities of the National Commission and building up a fruitful partnership with UNESCO, a number of proposals were prepared following the meeting.

In accordance with international practice and the requirements of a special resolution adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO, a draft national logo of the Commission has been prepared, which is also proposed for approval.

An important place in bilateral cooperation is occupied by the issue of strengthening its legal framework. In this regard, the accession of Turkmenistan to the UNESCO Conventions, including the Convention “On measures aimed at prohibiting and preventing illegal import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property” is of particular importance.

In order to continue this work, it is proposed to study the issue of our country's accession to the UNESCO Convention “On the Recognition of Qualifications Relating to Higher Education in the European Region”, adopted in 1997 in Lisbon. Currently, 54 states are parties to this document.

Consistent steps are also being taken to include the cultural and spiritual values of the Turkmen people in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Along with this, work is underway to include Ashgabat in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. In this context, in order to prepare a profile nomination, it is proposed to create a commission consisting of representatives of the relevant government agencies and hold its first meeting on April 30 this year.

The preparation of a multilateral nomination for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List of the Koytendag mountain ecosystem, located in the eastern region of our country, is also ongoing. In this regard, it seems appropriate to hold regular consultations between the National Commissions of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO. The consultations are envisaged to start in May.

Approving the submitted proposals, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the need to continue systematic work to further strengthen multi-vector cooperation with UNESCO, take systematic steps to widely popularize the richest historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people in the world, and include its unique values in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In this regard, the head of state gave specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, including those related to the successful solution of the tasks assigned to the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO.

In continuation of the meeting, the General Director of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiev, reporting on the work to improve the regulatory framework of the transport and communication complex, carried out as part of the socio-economic reforms carried out in the Epoch of revival of the new era of a powerful state, submitted the draft of the relevant Decree for consideration by the President.

After listening to the report and noting the importance of improving licensing processes in the transport sector, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution “On Approval of the Regulation on Licensing of Freight Forwarding Activities” and, having sent the document to the Director of the Agency for the Digital System, addressed a number of specific instructions for the implementation of its provisions.

M. Chakiev also reported on the preparation of standards for the security of communication lines.

In accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On Communications”, the draft standards for the security of communication lines have been revised and brought into line with modern requirements.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that in order to provide telecommunications services at a high level, it is planned to lay systems of communication lines and cables in buildings and facilities for various purposes.

Given the active development of communication technologies today, to ensure the smooth interaction of such systems, it is necessary to control the order of their use.

Emphasizing the importance of solving the issues of managing the protection of communication systems, which is designed to help improve the quality of life of the population, the President of Turkmenistan approved the proposals and ordered to continue work in this direction.

The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers then considered other issues of state life, having made appropriate decisions in various areas.

Concluding the digital session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work for the further prosperity of the sovereign Motherland.