
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to the integrated development of the regions as one of the key conditions for the overall progress of the country, taking important steps to achieve the grandiose goals of a new stage in the development of Turkmenistan, called "The revival of a new era of a powerful state."

Thus, in order to get acquainted on the ground with the implementation of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the socio-economic development of the country for 2019-2025 and the National Rural Program, Arkadagly Serdar recently visited all the velayats. As a result of each of the trips, field meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers were held to discuss the urgent tasks of a particular region, taking into account its geographical location, production specifics and available resources.

The tasks set by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the local administration in these areas are common to all regions. At the same time, taking into account the economic profile and characteristics of individual velayats, the prospects for the development of such strategically important sectors of the economy as the oil and gas, chemical and textile industries, as well as measures to preserve environmental well-being in the Aral Sea region, are considered.

During his trip to the Balkan velayat, the head of state visited the international seaport of Turkmenbashi, equipped with advanced equipment and latest technologies, which plays a key role in strengthening the transport and transit potential of the country, developing multimodal transport corridors and increasing international trade and serves as a sea gate not only for Turkmenistan, but also throughout Central Asia.

Having familiarized himself with the work of port terminals and various services, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out the need to take targeted measures aimed at its further modernization.

During a bike ride along the Caspian coast, the head of state focused the attention of local leaders on issues related to building up the potential of the Avaza National Tourist Zone, creating new forest zones on its territory to maintain environmental well-being, as well as developing the service sector here, and properly preparing for the season recreation for adults and children.

A significant event of the trip to the western region of the country was the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the opening ceremony of a multidisciplinary hospital for 400 beds, equipped with the latest medical equipment from leading world manufacturers. The seven-story building of the new medical institution has all the conditions for the work of about 1,200 employees, and its 27 departments have a wide range of opportunities for diagnosing and treating diseases, improving people's health.

Addressing the participants of the ceremony, the head of Turkmenistan once again emphasized that raising the level and quality of life of the people, the development of cities and villages are among the priorities of state policy.

At the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers following the visit to the Balkan Velayat, the main directions for the development of the western region in the coming years were discussed, which provide for the modernization of the oil and gas, chemical, energy, mining sectors, light industry and the building materials industry by attracting large investments in all areas of the industrial complex, introduction of the achievements of science and world practice, digital and other innovative technologies into the economy of the region.

Taking into account the rich potential of the Balkan velayat, in particular, the hydro-mineral resources of the Garabogaz Kel Bay, there are great prospects for the development of the chemical industry, the integrated development of the production of new types of import-substituting chemical products. At the polymer plant in Kiyanly, work is underway to establish the production of the necessary chemicals.

The priority tasks in the transport sector include the effective use of the potential of the international railway Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran, the International Seaport of Turkmenbashi, the construction and commissioning of an international air harbor in the village of Jebel, an increase in the volume of transit and multimodal cargo transportation.

It is also planned to develop the sanatorium and tourism sectors, improve the quality of services. Proposals were submitted for consideration by the head of state on holding a laying ceremony of five four-story 60-apartment luxury buildings for workers in the transport and communications industry in the city of Turkmenbashi and the construction of a complex of residential buildings for 472 families for visiting specialists in the village of Guvlymayak, Turkmenbashi etrap, Balkan velayat.

As part of a working trip to Akhal velayat, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the construction of a new administrative center, which is designed to become a hallmark of Turkmenistan looking to the future. Launched in April 2019, the innovative smart city construction project, which embodies all the best in global and national architecture, design, and technological support, is one of the largest in the region.

Arkadagly Serdar identified as the most important task the creation of the necessary conditions for a comfortable life in all respects for the population, creative work and good rest. 2-, 5-, 7- and 9-storey residential buildings designed for 12,324 families will be built in the new velayat center.

The urban infrastructure includes a complex of social and other facilities, including kindergartens, schools and other specialized educational institutions, healthcare, cultural, trade and service institutions, sports facilities, office buildings, etc., as well as transport and communication and engineering systems.

The new administrative center will be equipped with digital and intelligent technologies. In order to implement the concept of a "smart" city, the terms of reference for a "smart" house have been developed, it is planned to install equipment designed for electronic payment for water, gas and electricity.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers following the trip, in order to complete and coordinate the relevant work in a timely manner, he decided to establish the State Committee for the Construction of the Administrative Center of Akhal Velayat, as well as its hyakimlik.

As in other parts of the country, dramatic changes related to the industrialization of the national economy, the intensive development of the transport system, and the implementation of social programs have taken place in recent years in the Dashoguz velayat of Turkmenistan.

During the trip of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the northern region, issues of its socio-economic development within the framework of the seven-year Presidential Program were considered at an off-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In the coming years, the velayat plans to modernize the gas chemical, energy sectors, light industry and the building materials industry by attracting large investments in all areas of the industrial complex, introducing innovative and digital technologies into the economy, and diversifying the processing industry.

Among the priority tasks are the effective use of the potential of the transport and logistics infrastructure, the sustainable development of agriculture and related areas, the improvement of the management of agricultural land funds, the introduction of water-saving technologies, and the growth of food production.

The draft Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the transformation of the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, cities of etraps and etrap centers for the period up to 2027 provides for the construction of new facilities and structures in the Dashoguz velayat.

Since the region is located in close proximity to the Aral zone, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov paid special attention to the issues of environmental well-being and public health protection.

The National Program for the Aral Sea for 2021-2025, approved on October 22 last year, outlines specific measures, including the construction of three multidisciplinary hospitals, seven water treatment facilities in the Dashoguz velayat, the design and launch of a gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 120 megawatts in the city of Dashoguz.

Of the 86 projects envisaged by this document, 48 are implemented jointly with such major United Nations agencies as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Population Fund (UNFPA), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), etc.

Qualified medical assistance to the population will be provided by two new medical institutions built in the administrative center of the northern region of the country - a multidisciplinary and oncological hospital with 450 and 150 beds, respectively.

The President of Turkmenistan took part in the opening ceremony of clinics equipped with high-tech equipment from leading manufacturers of medical equipment.

This event was another confirmation of the successfully implemented Saglyk State Program, within the framework of which a radical reform of the domestic healthcare system is being carried out, providing the population with access to a wide range of medical services at the level of international standards.

The new hospitals provide all the conditions for the effective work of 1,331 employees who have undergone professional training in the country and abroad.

As part of his trip to the Dashoguz velayat, the head of state got acquainted with the construction of the overhead power line Balkan-Dashoguz, with projects that are planned for implementation in the coming years in order to create a ring energy system of the country, transfer the Dashoguz and Akhal state power plants to combined management, as well as with the implementation project for the construction of a solar-wind power plant with a capacity of 10 megawatts in the Serdar etrap of the Balkan velayat.

In Dashoguz velayat, as in other regions of the country, measures are being taken to ensure the rational use of water resources and water supply to agricultural areas. The head of state instructed to continue consistent work on maintaining irrigation networks in proper condition, reconstructing irrigation systems and water facilities, and building new reservoirs.

In particular, preparations are being made for the creation of a large artificial reservoir in one of the most favorable sections of the valley between the Shasen and Turkmen rivers, which originate from the Dueboyun reservoir. It is also planned to lay out the channel of the Shasenem River with a concrete pavement. These and other measures outlined during the trip will allow in the coming years to significantly optimize the irrigation systems for farmland in the Dashoguz velayat.

Not only the course of the grain harvesting campaign and socio-economic issues, but also issues of spiritual life and traditional national values were in the focus of attention of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who made a working trip to Mary Velayat after a pilgrimage to the sacred Kaaba to perform the Umra Hajj rite.

The head of state visited the main mosque of the region "Gurbanguly-haji", where a teperrik presented during a pilgrimage to the sacred Kaaba was exhibited. Then, Arkadagly Serdar took part in the opening ceremony of the premises for 3,000 seats for mass celebrations, erected in a single complex with the adjacent building "Türkmeniň ak öýi", and in a festive garden on the occasion of the Hajj pilgrimage.

Continuing his trips to the regions, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov arrived in the Lebap velayat, where he got acquainted with the progress of agricultural work, on which the country's food security depends, with the working conditions of agricultural producers.

The main event of the trip was the participation of the head of state in the opening ceremony of the Gadyn gas collection station, located on the territory of the Farab etrap of the Lebap velayat. The commissioned facility has become another visible symbol of the long-term and fruitful Turkmen-Chinese cooperation in the oil and gas sector.

At the celebration on the occasion of the opening of a new gas gathering station, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of projects implemented jointly with the friendly People's Republic of China, in particular, the great importance of the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China gas pipeline for the economy of our states.

Noting that the Lebap velayat is one of the most dynamically developing industrial regions of the country, the head of state stated that the new gas gathering station contributes to an increase in the number of modern enterprises, industrial and cultural facilities being built here. Putting it into operation will create 200 new jobs.

Participating in the ceremony, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Turkmenistan Qian Naicheng recalled that this year marks the 15th anniversary of the start of CNPC activities in Turkmenistan, and targeted measures are currently being taken to jointly implement the agreements and agreements reached recently between the heads of the two states.

At an extended off-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers following the results of working trips to the Mary and Lebap velayats, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the social and industrial facilities put into operation in these regions are designed to contribute to the further prosperity of the Motherland and improve the well-being of the people.

Regarding long-term plans, the President of the country noted that when preparing the Program for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2028, measures should be taken to carry out active socio-economic transformations and strengthen the economic power of the regions in order to ensure the prosperous life of citizens.

The main areas of work named included: the full use of industrial enterprises of the industrial and construction sectors for the rational and efficient use of natural resources and raw materials, the commissioning of new industries and the creation of additional jobs. The priority vectors for the development of the economy of the velayats also include agriculture, food and processing industries.

Addressing the relevant Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, Arkadagly Serdar instructed to establish cooperation with leading foreign companies to introduce best practices in the domestic agro-industrial complex, train international-level specialized specialists, and study the latest developments in the field of saving land and water resources.

The main leitmotif of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's trips to the regions of the country is concern for the prosperity of the Motherland and the well-being of the people. It sounded distinctly not only during the discussion of the development plans of the velayats and specific industrial, agricultural and social projects, but also during the meetings of the head of state with workers - farmers and livestock breeders, agrarian scientist.

In conversations with tenant farmers Azat Joraev in Lebap velayat and Atageldi Erniyazov in Mary velayat, shepherd camel breeder Atamyrat Ishanberdiev in Dashoguz velayat, the President of the country was interested in their working days, working conditions related to the provision of land, water, high-quality seeds and fertilizers, and the operation of agricultural machinery and payment for the delivered crop. Arkadagly Serdar discussed issues of grain crop breeding and the contribution of science to improving the efficiency of agricultural production with an employee of the Research and Production Center of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute B.Novruzov, giving the names "Berkarar" and "Galkynyş" to new high-yielding wheat varieties bred by domestic agricultural scientists.

These meetings testify to the closeness of power to the people, the desire to better know the interests, concerns and expectations of people in order to take them into account in the ongoing reforms. Thus, the socially oriented and far-sighted policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is a reliable guarantee that the grandiose goals of the Renaissance era of the new era of a powerful state will be successfully achieved.