

The Laws of Turkmenistan «On Amendments to the Customs Code of Turkmenistan» and «On Amendments to the Laws of Turkmenistan on Customs Service» regarding the introduction of the «Single Window» mechanism were adopted

The Laws of Turkmenistan «On Amendments to the Customs Code of Turkmenistan» and «On Amendments to the Laws of Turkmenistan on Customs Service» were adopted on July 24, 2022.

According to the additions made to the Customs Code, the interaction of declarants, their representatives and other residents with customs authorities and other authorized bodies that carry out permitting and control duties for the transportation of goods and vehicles across the customs border of Turkmenistan is carried out through the use of the «Single window for export-import operations» system .

The State Customs Service of Turkmenistan is the manager and owner of the unified state information web portal «Single Window for Export-Import Operations». For the appropriate functioning of this portal, the information and communication system of the customs authorities ensures the exchange of information between the authorized bodies, enterprises and organizations that carry out permitting and control duties for the transportation of goods and vehicles across the customs border of Turkmenistan. This will prevent the need for multiple submissions by declarants, their representatives and other residents of the same documents to other authorized bodies, enterprises and organizations that carry out permitting and control duties for the transportation of goods across the customs border of Turkmenistan.

The introduction of new information technologies into the activities of the customs authorities of Turkmenistan, their modernization are the most important tasks for the development of the sphere of customs services in the near future. Ensuring the interaction of all structures of the customs system, mobility and efficiency, information technologies significantly improve the quality of customs services.