The President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held a session with members of the People’s Council chamber in the office of the People’s Council. At the session, the head of the state has familiarized himself with work as well as specified the utmost objectives related to organization of activity of this structure.
Coming over to review of the subjects of the agenda, the head of the state gave floor to Chairman of the Committee for protection of human rights and freedoms M. Taganov who reported on the measures undertaken for successful solution of objectives for bringing national legislation to compliance with recognized standards of international law.
It was informed in the report about work carried out together with the Mejlis of National Assembly, in particular on participation of the members of the Committee in the sessions of Working Commissions made for development of new bills. The information about media presentations and publication in press has been presented.
Having listened to the report, President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the People’s Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is specified in the Main Law that human being is the highest value of the society and state in our country. Protection of human rights and service to people is the main goal of the government power authorities.
It was highlighted that the People’s Council and Mejlis of National Assembly have to pay more attention to work aimed at development of the state and society and protection of human rights, to take measures for fulfilment of National Action Plan of gender equality in Turkmenistan for 2021 – 2025. Special attention has to be paid to protection of women’s rights.
It is important to conduct monitoring of existing legislation in this sphere and to bring the legislation into compliance with the provisions of international conventions and other legal acts, which our state has joined, for implementation of National Action Plan in Human Rights sphere in Turkmenistan for 2021 – 2025.
Development of draft laws, which ensure legal status of individuals, mainly life quality of the population’s group, which require social protection, as well as aimed at improvement of the culture of respect of human rights and strengthening of legislative base in this field were highlighted among the utmost objectives.
Continuing, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on the fulfilment of international obligations of Turkmenistan in protection of children rights, including implementation of activities specified in National Action Plan of implementation of children rights in Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2025. In this context, the necessity of arrangement of work of the Charity Fund for help of children requiring special care according to time requirements has been noted.
The focus has also been made on importance of implementation of constitutional standards.
Chairman of the Committee for economy, finances and social affairs G. Agayev has informed about work performed for organization of the activity of the Committee. The report on major reform programs aimed at diversification of the economy and adding innovative character to it has been presented.
The members of the Committee take active part in the sessions of relative Working Commissions of the Mejlis for discussion of the draft Laws of Turkmenistan.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that further improvement of legal base of adopted programs aimed at implementation of social and economic, social and political reforms is required to turn Turkmenistan into one of the developed countries of the world.
The head of the state has specified strengthening of legal base of development of market relations, support of private entrepreneurship and opening of modern facilities based on scientific discoveries and innovative technologies among the main objectives.
The head of the state continued that special attention has to be paid to making favorable conditions and guarantees for stimulation and support of entrepreneurial activity and investments.
Following these objectives, it is necessary to develop modern regulations and provisions of national legislations which fully complies with recognized standards of international law and to improve them, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.
Significant part of expenses of the State budget has to be utilized for development of social sphere including health protection, science, education, culture, the President noted, having focused on importance of comprehensive and thoughtful approach to development of the main financial plan of the country for 2022.
It was mentioned that it is necessary to pay attention to the objectives specified in the programs of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and to take into account success reached by the branches of national economy and forecasted results by the end of 2021 while developing the draft of the State budget.
The State budget of Turkmenistan for 2022 has to be made taking into account national programs based on the main directions of social and economic development of the country and investment policy, objectives of the branches of national economy and regions.
Next year, special attention has to be paid to development of fuel and energy complex, industrial, transport and communication sectors, Turkmen leader continued. The State budget has to provide resources for living construction in the regions, especially the construction of living for the citizens in need in districts and cities of the regions.
The head of the state outlined education of hardworking, high morale generation, creation of conditions for recreation of the citizens, use of existing capabilities by Turkmenistan citizens for implementation of their skills in work and in specialty chosen by them among the main goals.
The head of the state noted strength of the society depends on the strength of the family. In this regard, special emphasis has been laid on the fact that special attention has to be paid to the solidarity of the society.
Further, Chairman of the Committee for science, education, digital system, sports and culture B. Seyidov has informed about work for improvement of national legislation regulating the issues of humanitarian sphere.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that further development of scientific and educational sphere, healthcare and sports are the priority vectors of the government policy. In this regard, the utmost attention has to be paid to implementation of the Law of Turkmenistan on Education.
Upbringing of comprehensively educated youth, strengthening of interrelation between education, science and production are the main objectives. Taking into account rapid development of information technologies in the world, permanent update of scientific achievements and educational methods, it is necessary to introduce innovative developments in this direction. The focus has been made on the importance of integrated approach to improvement of national education system.
In his turn, Chairman of the Committee for regional development, natural protection and agricultural policy Ch. Babaniyazov has informed about work for successful solution of objectives given by the President of Turkmenistan to the People’s Council of National Assembly.
It was informed about work carried out together with Mejlis deputies on revision of the draft legal acts, which are amended and added, as well as on National Forest Program of Turkmenistan for 2021 – 2025. The chairman of the Commission has reported on the measures for improvement of normative and legal documents aimed at increment of the share of private producer in agriculture.
Having listened to the report, the head of the state noted that provision of favorable conditions for people’s life, rational use of natural resources, expansion of international cooperation in this sphere are the main goals on the government ecological policy of the country.
It is necessary to continue participating in the conventions, programs and resolutions of competent organizations on protection of environment and ecology, the President noted.
Continuing the session, the importance of effective works for stabilization of ecological situation in the regions affected by negative impact of the Aral Sea has been stated.
Having outlined the development of Draft National Forest Program for 2021 – 2025 among the utmost objectives, the head of Turkmenistan highlighted that both chambers of National Parliament have to work together in this direction and to analyze the relevance of this documents to legislative requirements.
Taking into account wide opportunities made by the government for private producers, the head of the state has noted the importance of modernization of legal acts regulating rational use of land and water resources.
The President has also focused on further strengthening of legal base in selection and seed production spheres, land and livestock farming, crop rotation, land cultivation and application of mineral fertilizers, improvement of quarantine system.
Being elected representatives of the regions, the members of the People’s Council have to carry out relative work on sites studying the opinion and wishes of people, establishing close cooperation with local power authorities, the head of the state said. Organization of explanatory and propaganda activities as well as media appearance about the achievements of the country were specified among priority vectors of coming work.
Chairman of the Committee for international affairs M. Byashimova has reported on work carried out together with the Mejlis of National Assembly, political parties, public organizations, higher educational institutes of the country for explanation of foreign and home policy as well as on activities aimed at education of growing generation in the spirit of patriotism.
In this regard, it was informed about the fulfilment of objectives for legal provision of foreign course of Turkmenistan including the development of fruitful relations with foreign countries, United Nations Organization and other competent structures.
Summing up the report, the President has outlined the strengthening of inter-parliamentary dialog among the main objectives. It is necessary to introduce the main priorities of foreign and home policy of the country, proposed constructive initiatives for provision of peace, security and sustainable economic development to the world community at various international conferences.
The utmost attention has to be paid to legal provision of foreign activity of Turkmenistan and following this, to implement recognized standards of international law in national legislation.
Deputy Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly K. Babayev has informed on preparation to the session of the People’s Council of National Assembly and on development of the draft of relative documents of the Committees.
The activity carried out together with the Mejlis of National Assembly for legal provision of the government policy, democratic reforms, compliance with law and order, support of economic activity and entrepreneurship, health protection of the population, development of scientific and educational sphere, stimulation of creative activity, development of the regions of the country, environment protection and other was a separate subject of the report. In this regard, it was informed that priority attention in this work is paid to study of national and international legal practice. Special attention is also paid to establishment of inter-parliamentarian relations.
Summing up the report, the head of the state has noted the necessity of realization of scientifically grounded government strategy for successful fulfilment of set objectives by National Assembly together with the Government.
In this context, timely joint events of members of the People’s Council and deputies of the Mejlis of National Assembly aimed at explanation of adopted documents to the citizens was specified among priority vectors.
It is necessary to conduct relative activity for explanation of historical importance of reforms implemented in the country, which are to support the improvement of international authority of the state, in the year of the 30th celebration of independence.
Having highlighted again the main directions of coming activity, the head of the state highlighted the necessity of active participation of the People’s Council in development and implementation of new concepts, government programs and plans aimed at improvement of wellbeing of the people as well as in propaganda and explanatory events among the population, especially among the youth.
In the end of the session with members of the People’s Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants strong health, family wealth and big success in work