

On the Turkmen-Iranian border at the checkpoints «Artyk» (Turkmenistan) - «Lotfabad» (Iran) a working meeting was held between the heads of the customs services of Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran

As is known, during the state visit of the Esteemed President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the Islamic Republic of Iran in June 2022, a number of documents were signed on various areas of bilateral cooperation, including customs.

 During the meeting, which took place within the framework of this state visit, the heads of the customs services of the two countries agreed to jointly study the activities of border customs posts.

In accordance with this agreement, on August 31, 2022, a working meeting was held between the Chairman of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan Maksat Hudaykulyyev and the President of the Customs Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran Alireza Mogadasi.

During the meeting, the delegations of the customs services of the two countries got acquainted with the activities of the checkpoints on the Turkmen-Iranian state border "Artyk" and "Lotfabad".

During a visit to the Artyk customs point, the Iranian customs delegation was introduced to the rich infrastructure of the post, which includes a modern material and technical base, X-ray equipment, cargo disinfection terminals, and rooms for service dogs. The visitors were visually shown how carefully and clearly the work of the post was organized. The Iranian guests also got acquainted with videos in Persian about the activities of customs authorities equipped with a modern digital system, as well as the conditions created to prevent various inconveniences and congestion at the border checkpoints of Turkmenistan.

The working meeting also discussed the implementation of the recently signed Technical Conditions for the exchange of customs data, the establishment of an exchange on the customs value of goods of mutual trade, an inventory of the contractual and legal framework of services, and the next steps were identified to further expand bilateral cooperation.

At the end of the working meeting, the parties expressed the hope that today's visit will further increase the throughput of checkpoints across the state border connecting the two countries, while at the same time expanding and strengthening the customs interaction between the two states.