Nation-wide community work day, which was timed to the 140th anniversary of Turkmen capital, has been held in Ashgabat with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
Environment protection, careful treatment of nature, protection of its beauty and resources for future generation are important priorities of the government policy. The utmost attention is paid to the ecology in our country as to one of the key factors of prosperous life of people.
Early in the morning, the head of the state has come to the southern part of the capital between Archabyl and Chandibyl Avenues. These excellent modern avenues have stretched along picturesque Kopetdag foothills in rapidly developing business center of Ashgabat.
The President was greeted by the vice-premiers, Speaker of the Mejlis of National Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly, heads of military and law enforcement agencies.
Having started caring of the plantation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov started mass community improvement works.
Sunk in trees and shrubs, white-marble Ashgabat is recognized as one of the most comfortable city of the world for living. Turkmen capital and its outskirts are surrounded by manmade forests, which provide high ecological level of these places.
Head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that care of the plants provides their good growth and allows increasing the areas of forest belts, parks and public gardens.
Turkmen capital, which even in hot days please the eye with plenty of plantation, reviving fountains, is called as a garden city today. At present time, the areas of green plantations of deciduous and coniferous trees, which are the ‘lungs’ of Ashgabat, are increased in the southern parts of the capital.
Careful treatment of the nature is a priority of the state policy of Turkmenistan. The utmost attention is paid to the ecology in our country as to an important aspect of 2030 Global agenda adopted by the UN. First of all, this is related to rational use of land and water resources, combating desertification, preservation of unique natural places, protection of marine environment and biodiversity of the Caspian Sea and many other current matters.
National Forest Program, which provides creation of green belts around cities and villages, along highways and railroad, is successfully implemented in the country for provision of ecological safety bot in national and global scales.
Nation-wide community work day is a large-scale action expanded all over the country, which has become a demonstration of love of native land by Turkmen people. They have nursed young trees as well as cleaned and put everything in order all over the country. There were many young people among the participants of community work day.
In trustful conversation with fosters of Döwletliler köşgi participating in the action as well as with high school graduates, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have asked the kids about their life, how they see themselves in future, where they are going to study, what specialty they dream of.
During interesting conversation, the children asked various questions to the head of Turkmen state and received substantial answers.
Every child shared his cherished dreams and wishes. Someone said he wants to be a teacher, someone is interested to work in library or to become a doctor, to do business. Many of them want to be a program developer as this specialty is on high demand now.
Giving advices to the children, the head of the state has focused on the necessity to work hard, to learn as much as possible, especially in chosen specialty. Addressing the girls, Turkmen leader highlighted that they have to continue centuries-old traditions of Turkmen craftswomen.
Continuing his conversation with the youth, Turkmen leader has urged the children not only to study and work but also to go in for sports, which would help to achieve a lot in future life. The state has created the most favorable conditions for this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.
Giving advices to younger generation of Turkmenistan citizens, the President highlighted that the state would continue hold the matters related to study and future life of the fosters of Döwletliler köşgi under close attention. It was noted that future of the country and its prosperity depend on how they would work.
“You have happy and interesting life ahead, - the head of the state said, - and you have to tie your destiny with the destiny of the country and your native people, to be patriots of the Motherland. To live and work for the sake of the Motherland is the biggest happiness and you have to understand it very well”.
Having expressed gratitude for fatherly care, the fosters of Döwletliler köşgi assured President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that they would grow up as comprehensively developed, highly educated, physically fit and spiritually rich younger generation and would make their input to the prosperity of native country.
Addressing the vice-premiers, who are in charge of education, healthcare and sport systems, as well as to the Minister of Education, the head of the state requested to take all necessary measures for the fosters of Döwletliler köşgi could have good education, study achievements of the world science and be familiar with modern technologies. All these issues have to under special attention, Turkmen leader highlighted.
All what is made for these children now would help them to become good specialists, to achieve professional success, to make deserving contribution to the development of the country, the head of the state said addressing certain instructions to the heads of profile structures.
Further at the request of young participants of ecological action, the President of Turkmenistan had a joint photo with them for a memory. Having wished big success to the youth, the head of the state left the place of event.
On behalf of Turkmen leader, the fosters of Döwletliler köşgi received gifts.