President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in ecological action, having started cycling race timed to the 140th anniversary of Turkmen capital.
In the morning, the head of the state went to the southern part of Ashgabat where business and cultural center of the capital is under formation on the background of the Kopetdag Mountains and complex of super modern international medical facilities is located. Upon arrival, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ha started ecological and sport action, having set off cycling along the route running through the most beautiful streets of the main city of the country accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev, who is in charge of the capital.
Along the way, the vice-premier has informed the head of the state about the situation in Ashgabat, in particular on the measures undertaken for provision of ecological wealth in the capital, organized preparation to celebration of the 140th anniversary of the city as well as on fulfilment of instructions given earlier for acceleration of work rates at the facilities under construction.
The President has focused on the necessity to hold under permanent control all issues related to improvement of the ecology and tree planting in the city, provision of proper conditions in parks and public gardens, which are favorite places of the residents and guests of Ashgabat, further improvement of life quality of the citizens.
Cycling rides are common way to popularize such eco-friendly mode of transport and sport appliance as a bicycle. It is an undisputable fact that cycling improves people’s health and increase workability. This sports receives more and more supporters in our country. Availability of bicycles for all age groups is one of the visual advantages.
Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, Speaker of the Mejlis, heads of military and law enforcement agencies have joined the ride at the intersection next to the Monument of Neutrality.
Further, deputies of the Mejlis and members of the People’s Council of National Assembly, heads of ministries and profile departments, public organizations and mass media have joined the ride.
New participants including student, representatives of public, younger generation were joining ecological and sport action on the way. Children of the Döwletliler köşgi Palace have joined the cycling ride with enthusiasm.
Led by the head of the state, the ride continued along the streets of the city.
It is just a reminder that movement of vehicles is limited in the capital under ecological action started on May 10. Relative program, according to which an intense movement of passenger buses and taxis has been established for quality transport services to the residents and guests of the city, which indicates responsible approach to this important event.
During the ride, the head of the state has focused on objectives of further improvement to social and living conditions of the people following modern requirements.
The necessity to provide all capabilities for physical training and sport by the population especially by the youth has been noted.
Many capital’s facilities, which has unique features, are listed in the famous Guinness Record Book. Opening of number of beautiful new buildings is timed in the main city of the country to the celebration dates – the 140th anniversary of the capital and 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.
Long-term development of Ashgabat is one of the main vectors of urban construction policy initiated by the leader of the nation. Advanced architectural trends and innovative engineering and technical solutions, the best traditions of national architecture are reflected in the modern image of the capital. New book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “My white city of Ashgabat” is dedicated to glorious history of the main city of the country, its present, achievements and look into the future.
Magnificent image of Turkmen capital, which is recognized pearl of Asia and one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities of the world, cannot help admiring. Ashgabat is called by right a garden city. Therefore, the principles of eco-friendly aspect has been initially put into innovative concept of the capital’s development initiated by the head of the state including its further development, formation of integrated infrastructure and urban space in general.
Developed alleys, parks and public gardens are not only the decorations of Ashgabat but also its hallmarks and important elements of urban aesthetic but also help to maintain optimum ecological balance in rapidly developing mega city. Soon, another park will appear in the northern part of the capital. The President of Turkmenistan has launched another tree planting campaign timed to National Spring Holiday in this place last March.
It is remarkable that 30 million coniferous, deciduous, fruit and vine trees will be planted in Ashgabat and regions in anniversary year. 10 million trees will be planted in and around the capital.
Today, Ashgabat is a recognized center of regional and global cooperation. Successful environment protection policy pursued under the leadership of the head of the state meets the priorities of the Sustainable development goals announced by the UN and the utmost objectives of protection of ecosystems of the planet. Turkmenistan actively works together with foreign partners in bilateral and multilateral format in this important direction
This is brightly indicated by the United Nations Convention and other international documents ratified by our country, systematic improvement of relative national legislation, which was supplemented with number of new laws in the last years.
Big work in ecological and environment protection spheres, protection of biodiversity and national landscapes, development of profile science is carried out under National Strategy for Climate Change and National Forest Strategy of Turkmenistan as well as other major social and economic programs approved by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
Constructive initiatives made by Turkmen leader at various high-level forums, including at the sessions of the UN General Assembly find wide support of the world community, which indicate their relevance and importance.
In particular, these are the proposals on opening of the Regional Center of Technologies related to the climate change in Central Asia, on development of the UN Water Strategy, Special UN Program for Aral Sea basin and assigning separate direction of the UN activity to Aral Sea problem, protection of marine environment of the Caspian Sea and many other.
Our country undertakes specific measures for their implementation, first of all by the formation of reliable legal base regulating this sphere. Thus, the provision on the state control of rational use of natural resources and environment protection is set out in the Constitution of Turkmenistan.
Following the concept of ‘green’ economy, the measures for technical rearmament of industrial facilities are undertaken. The construction of new, reconstruction and modernization of existing facilities of production infrastructure are carried out taking into account advanced technologies and technical solutions meeting the requirements of ecological safety.
Finishing cycling ride, the President of Turkmenistan went to the Main Square of the country. Having covered the distance of the cycling ride with the skills of experienced racers, the head of the state demonstrated again the importance of physical training and sports for physical health and spiritual improvement of people.
Having continued the ride from the main square of the city, the participants of the cycling ride proceeded to Ashgabat Monument where the event timed to current actions, organized on occasion of the 140th anniversary of the capital, has been held.