Customs news


State Customs Service participates in exhibition “International Transport and Transit Corridors: Interconnectedness and Development 2023”

State Customs Service participates in exhibition “International Transport and Transit Corridors: Interconnectedness and Development 2023”


Global Transit Document (GTrD) was presented to State Customs Service of Turkmenistan

Global Transit Document (GTrD) was presented to State Customs Service of Turkmenistan


9th Regional Meeting of National Committees for Trade Facilitation in Central Asia

9th Regional Meeting of National Committees for Trade Facilitation in Central Asia


Customs officers of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan took part in a joint training in Dushanbe

Customs officers of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan took part in a joint training in Dushanbe


Meeting between the Chairman of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan and Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Turkmenistan

Meeting between the Chairman of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan and Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Turkmenistan


The first meeting of the heads of customs services in the Central Asia-China format

The first meeting of the heads of customs services in the Central Asia-China format