On November 8, 2022, Meeting of the Project Board on the implementation of the Project Document "Single Window for Export-Import Operations" for 2021-2023 in Turkmenistan was held at the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan.
Deputy head of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan, the Permanent Representative of the UN Development Program in Turkmenistan and representative of the UN Conference on Trade and Development - Regional Coordinator for Central Asia and Eastern Europe, as well as experts of the mentioned international organizations and responsible representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan took part at the meeting.
During the meeting, participants analyzed the results of the work done on the Project Document "Single Window for Export-Import Operations" and discussed the action plan on its implementation for 2023 and other relevant important issues.
The meeting concluded with an expression of gratitude by the participants to the Distinguished President for his support on the modernization of the national economy of our country.