An interdepartmental seminar on the topic “Modern customs policy is a guarantor of the development of foreign trade,” organized by the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan, was held at the Lebap velat customs office.
The seminar was attended by personnel of the Lebap customs, specialists from the State Plant Quarantine Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan and the State Veterinary Service, employees of the Turkmendemiryollary and Turkmenavtougly agencies, the Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan, the open joint-stock company "Turkmen Members of the Association" Logistics" and representatives of a number of other transport and logistics companies, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, as well as private entrepreneurs.
During the seminar, the main attention was paid to the role of customs policy and the activities of the customs authorities of Turkmenistan, which is aimed at protecting the domestic market and promoting the development of import-substituting industries while maintaining an effective competitive environment, as well as supporting and stimulating exports. Reforms in customs administration, customs legislation and rules governing export activities were presented, according to which benefits and preferences are provided to exporters. Then a discussion took place on the implementation of customs formalities related to the export of goods.