As part of the concept of digitalization at all border customs posts of Turkmenistan, including Altyn Asyr, Artyk, Sarakhs, Serhetabat, Imamnazar, Farap, Dashoguzavtoyollary and Garabogaz, the TIR-EPD system was implemented and it iscurrently in operation. The system simplifies and speed up the movement of international shipments across the customs borders of Turkmenistan.
Through TIR-EPD system preliminary information about goods and vehicles sent to Turkmenistan and transiting through its territory is received electronically, and similar information is sent to the customs authorities of the member countries of the “Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods using a TIR Carnet”. This ensures the reliability of international supply chains and facilitates the unhindered delivery of Turkmen goods to the member states of the Convention.
Currently, the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan is working on coordinating this system with the e-TIR program, with the implementation of which customs clearance of goods at the borders will be fully automated.