On February 10, 2025, a seminar on the use of the Harmonized System (HS) of commodity classification began its work at the Training Center under the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan. The seminar was organized jointly with the World Customs Organization (WCO) and sponsored by the Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) of China. The workshop is being facilitating by two WCO experts: an accredited HS expert from Brazil, Yara Novis, and Spain, Alvaro Fernandez. The workshop is attended by 20 customs officials.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide technical support in bringing the commodity nomenclature into line with the Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, which entered into force for Turkmenistan on January 1, 2025. In addition, the seminar provides an opportunity to discuss the WCO HS tools and instruments to modernize its work on tariff classification and ensure consistency in the interpretation and application of the HS Nomenclature 2022.
The agenda of Workshop includes topics such as the correct application of the General Rules of Interpretation, relevant notes and the scope of specific sections of the HS, as well as case studies on tariff classification in various areas such as agricultural products, food additives, wood products, textiles and machinery.