

Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabinetiniň mejlisi

Hormatly Prezidentimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Ministrler Kabinetiniň sanly ulgam arkaly nobatdaky mejlisini geçirdi. Onda döwlet durmuşynyň möhüm meselelerine hem-de birnäçe resminamalaryň taslamalaryna garaldy. Hormatly Prezidentimiz, ilki bilen, Milli Geňeşiň Mejlisiniň Başlygy G.Mämmedowany we Milli Geňeşiň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygynyň orunbasary K.Babaýewi göni aragatnaşyga çagyrdy. Milli Geňeşiň Mejlisiniň Başlygy G.Mämmedowa ýurdumyzyň kanunçylyk-hukuk binýadyny kämilleşdirmek boýunça döwletimiziň kanunçykaryjylyk edarasynyň alyp barýan işi barada maglumat berdi. Häzirki wagt...


Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti möwsümleýin oba hojalyk işleriniň meseleleri boýunça iş maslahatyny geçirdi

Hormatly Prezidentimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow sanly ulgam arkaly Ministrler Kabinetiniň Başlygynyň obasenagat toplumyna gözegçilik edýän orunbasarynyň, Daşoguz welaýatynyň we etraplarynyň häkimleriniň gatnaşmagynda iş maslahatyny geçirdi. Onda galla oragynyň barşy ara alnyp maslahatlaşyldy. Döwlet Baştutanymyz, ilki bilen, Ministrler Kabinetiniň Başlygynyň orunbasary E.Orazgeldiýewe söz berdi. Wise-premýer häzirki döwürde möwsümleýin oba hojalyk işleriniň depgini, galla oragyny gysga möhletde we ýitgisiz geçirmek ugrunda alnyp barylýan işler barada hasabat berdi. Şu güne çenli ýurdumy...


The President of Turkmenistan approved the composition of the joint Intergovernmental turkmen-qatar Commission

In order to further develop the partnership between Turkmenistan and the State of Qatar, expand bilateral trade, economic, scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian relations, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution approving the composition of the joint Intergovernmental Turkmen-Qatari Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation from the Turkmen side.


Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti ÝHHG-niň Aşgabatdaky merkeziniň täze ýolbaşçysyny kabul etdi

Hormatly Prezidentimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow ÝHHG-niň Aşgabatdaky merkeziniň täze bellenilen ýolbaşçysy Jon MakGregory kabul etdi. Ol özüniň wezipesini ýerine ýetirmäge girişdi. Jenap Jon MakGregor wagt tapyp kabul edendigi üçin hoşallyk bildirip, milli Liderimize Ýewropada Howpsuzlyk we Hyzmatdaşlyk Guramasynyň Baş sekretary Helga Şmidiň mähirli salamyny hem-de tutuş türkmen halkyna iň gowy arzuwlaryny ýetirdi. Şunda ÝHHG-niň oňyn bitaraplyk syýasatyny durmuşa geçirýän hem-de sebitde we ählumumy möçberde parahatçylygy, howpsuzlygy, durnuklylygy üpjün etmäge saldamly goşant goşýan Türkm...


World cycling day celebrated in Turkmenistan

On June 3, on the occasion of World Bicycle Day, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in a mass bicycle ride. World Bicycle Day, established by the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on the initiative of the Esteemed President, has been widely celebrated in our country. With the launch of the mass bicycle ride by the Esteemed President, all its participants began to act in unison. Healthy and active lifestyle principles help the people to fully realize and implement their potential. Our esteemed President confirms it by his personal example and inspires our...


President of Turkmenistan visited scientific-clinical center for Maternal and Child health

On June 1st, esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in a solemn event dedicated to the International Day for the Protection of Children at the Scientific and Clinical Center for Maternal and Child Health in the center of the capital city. First of all, the Turkmen leader, together with head of the United Nations Children’s Fund's representative office in Turkmenistan Weigand, took interest in the work of the children's development and early rehabilitation department of the center. As the doctor noted, the toys available in the department are designed to strengthen th...