
On March 15, 2023, the 12th Tokyo Dialogue "Central Asia + Japan" was held in Tokyo, organized by the Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan and Japan Global Forum on the theme "Connecting with Central Asia and Caucasus".

Representative of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan making a statement in the Dialogue, informed the participants about the work carried out in the country to simplify customs procedures, as well as the development of the country’s transport system improving its material and technical base, creating new and expanding existing transport and communication systems, and introducing a developed transport and logistics infrastructure.

In particular, the transition to paperless and contactless customs operations was noted through automation and implementation of the Single Window system, as well as the TIR-EPD application.

Delegations from the countries of Central Asia, who arrived in Japan to participate in the 12th Tokyo Dialogue "Central Asia + Japan", visited the seaport in Yokohama, the office building of the Tokyo Customs, and also got acquainted with the work of several Japanese logistics companies as part of their visit.